Community Visioning 2023 (CV30) is a national campaign providing facilitation for an equitable, locally-led process to identify values, needs, and priorities, resulting in the development of a collective community vision that will serve as the blueprint for a strong, vibrant future. These efforts drive local advancement in democracy, economic prosperity, climate action, and the transition to clean energy throughout rural America.

Current Community Planning Is Not Working
Community initiatives in rural and disinvested places struggle to acquire funding, and both public and private funding systems that require “grant readiness” and rely on technical expertise over lived expertise perpetuate the flow of dollars to communities that already receive investment. In particular, the institutions and individuals in those communities with social capital connecting them to funding agencies are the conduits for the majority of community development funding. The rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer, by design.
Changing the Flow of Funding Requires Building New Social Pathways of Trust
Social network connections predict the flow of economic and community investment dollars, as well as the benefits of investments. To see investments flow to disinvested beneficiaries, new, intentional network connections with underserved individuals and communities, connections based on trust, are required.